Reducing HIV Infection Rate in Women: A Catalyst to reducing HIV Infection pervasiveness in Africa

- Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is one of the health burdens ravaging the world with severe impact in developing regions. Women and young girls are more threatened by HIV infection than their male counterparts. Notably, in 2022, 63% of all new HIV infections were attributed to women in sub-Saharan Africa. The anatomical architecture of the female genital tracts, poverty, gender imbalance, unrefined cultural norms aimed at subjugating women, early exposure to sex and marriage, and illiteracy are fingered to contribute to the increased risk of HIV infection in women and young girls. Mitigating these factors will no doubt help curb the prevalence of HIV infection. Herein, we highlighted some measures that could help turn down women’s risk of getting HIV including abstinence, regular use of condoms, delay in sexual exposure, maintaining one faithful partner, timely voluntary counseling and testing, formal education, monitoring of alcohol use, proper dieting, and scrapping of cultural norms targeted at subjugating women. Successfully turning down HIV infection risk in women and young girls will be a breakthrough in the combat against HIV infection since women and young girls being the most vulnerable group must have been salvaged. This paper reviewed the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in women and young girls, the factors fueling the high prevalence, and enumerated key areas to target in order to minimize this menace. Related published data from various databases were utilized.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Kampala International University, Uganda.
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