Ukamaka Edward, Hilda Chigozirirm Anyanele and Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu
This study was carried out to determine serum electrolytes levels in kidney failure subjects undergoing dialysis in Owerri. Sixty (60) subjects between the age of eighteen and seventy years were selected for the study. Sodium & Potassium were determined by Emission Flame Photometry and Chloride was determined by Mercuric Nitrate method. The test was calculated statistically to get the means. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant while P>0.05 was considered not statistically significant. The levels of these ions were correlated. Sodium ion concentration was statistically and significantly decreased (p=0.001) in kidney failure subjects undergoing dialysis when compared with the control subjects. There was statistical significant difference (p=0.000) in the mean value of potassium ion concentration in kidney failure subjects undergoing dialysis when compared with the control subjects. There was statistical significant difference (p=0.001) in the mean value of chloride ion concentration in kidney failure subjects undergoing dialysis when compared with the control subjects. There was statistical significant difference (p=0.000) in the mean value of bicarbonate ion in kidney failure subjects undergoing dialysis when compared with the control subjects. There was a significant negative correlation of sodium ion with potassium and bicarbonate ion (r= -0.107, p=0.000; r=-0.192, p=0.000 respectively which indicates an increase in sodium with decrease in potassium and bicarbonate. There was a significant positive correlation of sodium ion with chloride ion (r=-0.185, p=0.000) which indicates increase in sodium leading to increase in chloride. There was a significant negative correlation of potassium ion with chloride (r= -0.130, p=0.000) which indicates increase in potassium leading to a decrease in chloride. There was a significant positive correlation of potassium ion with bicarbonate ion (r=-0.760, p=0.000) which indicates increase in potassium leading to increase in bicarbonate. There was significantly no correlation between chloride ion with bicarbonate ion (r=-0, p=0.000). Sodium, Chloride and Bicarbonate ion concentrations were statistically and significantly increased in kidney failure subjects undergoing dialysis when compared with the control subjects indicating hypernatremia and hyperchloremia and alkalosis respectively while Potassium ion concentrations was decreased indicating hypokalemia. The use of dialysis is effective in balancing the levels of these ions that were abnormally low and high respectively in Kidney failure subjects.
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Ukamaka Edward, Chiamaka PreciousEzenwa and Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu
In recent years, occupational health hazards have grown as one of the major public health issues worldwide. The present study was aimed to assess the level of cardiac enzymes among petroleum filling station attendants in Owerri. The study subjects consisted of twenty individuals working as petrol station attendants in Owerri, Imo State for three years and twenty apparently healthy males and females who are not occupationally exposed. Blood samples were collected aseptically by venopuncture, using a 5ml sterile disposable syringe and needle from petrol station attendants and Controls was disposed into a labeled plain dry specimen container. All reagents were commercially purchased and the manufacturer’s standard operational procedures were strictly followed. All data obtained in the study were analyzed using the independent student t-test (SPSS.20). The level of significance was set at P=0.05. The mean value of Creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) was significantly increased in petrol attendants (2.35±0.50)ng/ml when compared to controls (1.17±0.66)ng/ml. The mean value of Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was significantly increased in petrol attendants (310.74±20.69)IU/L when compared to controls (282.95±13.76)IU/L. The mean value of Aspartate transaminase(AST) was significantly increased in petrol attendants (22.16±4.39)IU/L when compared to controls (11.05±2.61)IU/L. There was a non-significant positive correlation (r=0.06, p=0.808; r=0.13, p=0.574) between Creatine kinase-MB with Lactate dehydrogenase and Aspartate transaminase in petrol attendants. In conclusion it was observed that the petrol pump attendants are at greater risk of developing biochemical alterations in the cardiac enzymes with time due to the significant increase in the level of Aspartate transaminase, Creatine kinase-MB and Lactate dehydrogenase.
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Constance N. Nwadike, Oluchi Aloy-Amadi, Ukamaka Edward, Eberechi Nwanguma and Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu
Previous studies indicate that uterine fibroid is associated with estrogen and other female reproductive hormones and abnormal cell proliferation. This study is aimed at determining hormones of the pituitary/gonadal axis and some trace elements in women with uterine fibroids. The study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology unit of the Federal Medical Centre, Owerri. A total of fifty (50) subjects were recruited for the study, their blood samples were collected and used for the laboratory diagnosis of testosterone, oestrogen, Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Leutinizing Hormone (LH) and trace elements. All reagents used were commercially prepared and procured and the manufacturer’s standard operating procedures were strictly followed. All data generated from this study were subjected to statistical analysis, mean, Standard deviations, student’s t-Test, and were determined using SPSS Statistical package software for windows version 21. Results shows that serum estrogen concentration (307.71 + 71.73 mIU/L) and Testosterone concentration (3.90+ 1.08 ng/ml) was significantly higher in uterine fibroid when compared with the serum concentrations of Oestrogen (173.67+ 33.98 mIU /L) and testosterone (1.26+ 0.39 ng/ml) in control subjects at p=0.002 and p=0.000 respectively. The mean value of serum FSH (4.45+ 0.72 IU/ml) and LH (3.15+ 0.84 IU/ml) was significantly lower in uterine fibroid when compared with the mean value of serum FSH (10.69+ 2.64 IU/ml) and LH (6.10+ 0.79 IU/ml) in control subjects at p=0.000 and p=0.000 respectively. The mean value of serum copper (5.99+ 0.62 ?g/dl) and zinc (7.86+ 0.76?mol /L) was significantly lower in uterine fibroid when compared with the mean value of copper (8.56+ 1.19 ?g/dl) and Zinc (9.25+ 0.83 ?mol /L) in control subjects at p=0.000 and p=0.004 respectively. There is an alteration in the level of testosterone, estrogen, FSH, LH and trace element in women with uterine fibroid. In conclusion, increased circulating levels of testosterone with estradiol in women of child bearing age can be a higher risk factors in the development of uterine fibroid.
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