Nankya Viola, Medius Katusiime, Ndagire Nuruh and Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu
In Uganda, hospital acquired pneumonia is the leading infection acquired from hospitals accounting for 33.3% of all hospital acquired infections. The purpose of this study was to explore knowledge and practices of nurses at Ishaka Adventist hospital on prevention of hospital acquired pneumonia. A quantitative cross sectional using a questionnaire assessed 44 nurses from Ishaka Adventist Hospital using convenient sampling method. Data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 ad presented in tables and figures. Results of the study found that 41(93%) of nurses had heard about prevention of HAP prevention, 8(44%) of nurses did not know that suctioning catheters for very sick patients are supposed to be used once to prevent HAP, 21(51.2%) of nurses knew recovery position as safer positions for nursing very sick patients in order to prevent developing HAP 30(73.2) of nurses knew cough as early warning sign HAP, 28(68.2%) of nurses knew prophylaxis for Hap prevention 40(97.6%) of nurses knew aseptic techniques as precautions necessary for HAP prevention. 30(75%) of nurses hand washed to patient to prevent HAP, 39(97.5%) never avoided giving their HAP high risk patients PPIs, 35(87.5%) sterilized all instruments used while caring for very sick and other HAP high risk patients to prevent HAP, 36(90%) did not do oral care using salt/chrolohexidine for HAP prevention and 40(100%) of nurses who never practices rotational therapy for very sick and bedridden patients for HAP prevention. In conclusion, the knowledge on HAP prevention was poor as well as HAP prevention practices.
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