Mohammed Mazzine
The social representations of school performance have proven to be very diverse, and vary according to the aspirations of the stakeholders involved, the position they occupy in the system and the issues attached to it. In Morocco, there are multiple stakeholders in the public education system (The ministry of education and its decentralized services, teacher unions, the civil society, parents, students, etc.), and each of them has a specific mission which is in dynamic complementation with the other stakeholders in the system. The school principal remains the local actor par excellence. He occupies a decisive position in the functioning of the school. This position, which involves critical decision making, is where the execution of educational policies is exercised and where the aspirations of the different stakeholders are expressed. This paper aims at questioning how school principals perceive the \"performance of their schools\". In other words, it enquires on the signification (meaning) that these school leaders give to the performance of a school. To respond to this inquiry, data is collected using a questionnaire, which is administered to 40 different schools in the region of Guelmim Oued Noun.
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