Zeru Yimer Kebede
Background and objectives: The production and productivity of dry beans in Ethiopia is hindered by multiple challenges; among these were biotic, abiotic and socioeconomic factors. Thus, this review paper highlighted and discussed those factors that impose dry beans not to give reasonable grain yield and acceptable quality there by to identify and discuss the main challenges of common beans under the study area, and to document the information generated from the paper for future improvement of dry beans.
Material and Methods: A number of peer reviewed papers were critically viewed and reanalyzed based on the current situation of legumes production. Based on the investigation and observations made the author distinguished and prioritized the major threats of beans production for the study area.
Results: Via different sources, information generated. The author also identified and prioritized the agents that limit the production of dry beans under the area and means of managing the challenges separately or by integration them.
Conclusion: Therefore, the author recommend and suggest that to cultivate our farmlands in sustainable way we have to follow and apply the cropping patterns and systems of rotation with legumes to achieve this we must made bridge between technology generated with producers.
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