Bhargav Revankar, Kajal Jain and Sushant Tambad
Guest satisfaction is major factor in hotel industries.Guest satisfaction & guest care influence towards revenue to the propertiesat locations.The significant of development in India with regards to the technology and globalization hotel industries catering towards guest have predominantly changed and haveimpacted to the value of hotels. The challenges in current scenario are mainly focused on room services provided by the hotel, how well the staffs treat the guest, the level of satisfaction with the facilities provided in the rooms so on so for. Our survey is on room services and guest satisfaction towards those services, in 3star category hotels inNorth Karnataka. The study reveals few gaps between the hotel employees and the guest’s expectation level towards room services. The data and analysis was conducted on SPSS with chi- square being major tool for few interpretations.
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Tamiru Urgesa and Lensa Urgesa
The poultry population of Ethiopia is almost entirely composed of indigenous chicken, and recent estimates showed that 78.85%, 12.02%, and 9.11% are indigenous, hybrids, and exotic poultry, respectively. Poultry plays important roles in terms of generating employment opportunities, improving family nutrition, and empowering women. The growth of the poultry population over the year has almost stagnated because of high poultry mortality and the limited expansion of commercial poultry production. Therefore, this trend was initiated to analyze the trends of poultry population growth and distribution in Ethiopia. Data on annual poultry population growth and distribution in Ethiopia for the period of 2008 to 2021 were collected from the Central Statistical Agency (CSA). A trend test was carried out using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall’s trend test packaged in XLstat. The outcome of this trend indicated that the poultry population increased significantly in some regions.However, the distribution of poultry populations across the region is not uniform. The Oromia region has the most poultry, followed by Amhara, the South Nation and Nationality People of Ethiopia (SNNP), and Tigray.This is due to the availability of commercial poultry farms. Therefore, the future study should pay attention to the expansion of large-scale commercial poultry farms across the regions and the introduction of exotic poultry breeds.
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